for publishers

AI Detector
for Publishers

Avoid inadvertently publishing AI content by detecting it early in the pipeline.

Protect your copyright
  • The US copyright office has recently ruled that AI-generated content cannot be copyrighted.

  • Our models can identify AI-generated content in a manuscript to unlock conversations around human authorship.

  • Our AI detection is proven to be unbiased against nonnative speakers.

  • When an AI technology determines the expressive elements of its output, the generated material is not the product of human authorship. As a result, that material is not protected by copyright and must be disclaimed in a registration application.

    U.S. Copyright Office, March 2023

    ai writing data
    Protect your reputation
  • Authenticity and trust are increasingly important in the age of AI.

  • Publishing AI writing, even inadvertently, could go viral and create public backlash.

  • AI writing is seen as lower-quality and reduces engagement among readers.

  • Protect research integrity
  • Unusual amounts of AI content in submissions is a signal of academic fraud or junk science.

  • Ensure that peer reviews are up to journal standards by checking them for AI use.

  • Paper mills use AI to write like a researcher, making fraudulent papers harder to detect.