Falsely accusing a student of using AI writing is harmful and erodes student-teacher trust.
Our AI detection model incorrectly marks a human-written document as AI less than 0.01% of the time, which is 100x lower than leading EdTech tools.
Our AI detection model is proven to be unbiased against nonnative speakers.
Pangram's dashboard supports pasting in text directly, or uploading a file for analysis.
The dashboard includes sentence-level highlighting for mixed content and even information on which AI model was used.
Our Canvas integration will automatically run AI detection in the background and provide plagiarism scores directly in Canvas.
Pangram AI detection can identify AI-written essays, short answers, academic papers, and more.
Our model is able to detect AI-written text put through cheating tools such as Undetectable.AI or StealthGPT.
Pangram correctly identifies mixed content, highlighting it as such. Changing the capitalization or introducing grammar mistakes does not fool the detector.