for educators

AI Plagiarism
for Teachers

Our dashboard provides more than just a number. It helps you understand the authorship patterns of the work.

Teachers trust Pangram to provide accurate AI detection.
Teacher comment after using Scribbr (74%), ZeroGPT (20%), GPTZero (10%), Quillbot (74%), and Pangram (100%) for a student essay:
Amazing. That's perfect. Seeing where it came from gave me more confidence in the result. I was surprised that Pangram detected it so well and the others were so scattered in their evaluation.
No false accusations
  • Falsely accusing a student of using AI writing is harmful and erodes student-teacher trust.

  • Our AI detection model incorrectly marks a human-written document as AI less than 0.01% of the time, which is 100x lower than leading EdTech tools.

  • Our AI detection model is proven to be unbiased against nonnative speakers.

  • Easy to use
  • Pangram's dashboard supports pasting in text directly, or uploading a file for analysis.

  • The dashboard includes sentence-level highlighting for mixed content and even information on which AI model was used.

  • Our Canvas integration will automatically run AI detection in the background and provide plagiarism scores directly in Canvas.

  • Robust to evasion
  • Pangram AI detection can identify AI-written essays, short answers, academic papers, and more.

  • Our model is able to detect AI-written text put through cheating tools such as Undetectable.AI or StealthGPT.

  • Pangram correctly identifies mixed content, highlighting it as such. Changing the capitalization or introducing grammar mistakes does not fool the detector.